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Exciting news for Arkansas PAs!

Posted about 4 years ago by Heather Trudeau

Dear colleagues, 

The proposed amendment to Rule 24: Rules Governing PAs has passed! This is an exciting victory for PAs in Arkansas. The approved amendment will change the term “protocol” to “delegation agreement” and allows the role/scope of practice of the PA to be determined at the practice level by the supervising physician and PA to better align with the current practice environments.

Currently, 38 out of 50 states and the District of Columbia allow PA scope of practice to be determined at the practice site. We are encouraged to see the modernization of our practice rule which will bring us in line with other states. We also feel this will streamline and expedite the licensing process for Arkansas PAs.

ARAPA is standing by to find out more information on the implementation of amended Rule 24, and will pass this along as soon as we have it. Please support ARAPA, as we support you, through continued membership and encouraging other Arkansas PAs to join. 


Heather Trudeau, PA-C

President, Arkansas Academy of PAs


Jeffery Tate about 4 years ago

great job ARAPA

Julie Slavik about 4 years ago


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