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Arkansas Rural Health Initiative for Substance Use Disorder

Posted almost 5 years ago

The Arkansas Department of Health is excited to announce the notice of funding opportunity release for the Arkansas Rural Health Initiative for Substance Use Disorder. We encourage your organization to submit a proposal that may be considered for funding. Please visit our website at to view the notice. Scroll down to Funding Opportunities for application number DH-20-0012. You will need to submit all three documents. The deadline for this application is close of business on  February 11, 2020. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Joe Martin at or 501-683-0707. Please feel free to forward this message on to any who may be interested in submitting an application.


Additional information regarding the funding opportunity:



  1. Total amount of funding is $770,175.00.

o   Maximum amount of $200,000.00 for each award

o   Minimum amount of $75,000.00 for each award

  1. Funding is contingent upon review and acceptance of application.
  2. Funds must be used in accordance with the budget provided. 
  3. ADH reserves the right to determine allowable and non-allowable costs.
  4. Prior to award, ADH may decrease or increase the amount of funding in efforts to maximize program support. Recipient(s) must submit a revised budget worksheet reflecting changes.



Multiple recipients will be accepted and funded as funding allows.


Applicant must meet the following to be eligible to obtain funding:

  1. The organization must have a minimum of 2 years of experience dealing in one or more of the following areas:  case management, community education and engagement, treatment and/or recovery programs.  Other experience may be considered.



  1. Explicit efforts to better integrate state and local prevention efforts.
  2. Capacity building for more effective and sustainable surveillance and prevention efforts.
  3. Prevention and response strategies at the state and local level.
  4. Increased access to care in underserved areas with the use of innovative ideas like Peer Recovery Support Specialists. 



  1. Funds may not be used for research.
  2. Recipients may not use funds for clinical care except as allowed by law.
  3. Recipients may use funds only for reasonable program purposes, including personnel, travel, supplies, and services.
  4. Generally, recipients may not use funds to purchase furniture or equipment.  Any such proposed spending must be clearly identified in the budget.
  5. Funds cannot be used for purchasing naloxone, implementing or expanding drug “take back” programs or other drug disposal programs (e.g. drop boxes or disposal bags), purchasing fentanyl test strips or directly funding or expanding direct provision of substance abuse treatment programs.