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SB 112 Update

Posted over 1 year ago by Aaron Woodall in Legislative Update

ARAPA members, 

Huge news...SB112 passed through the House! It is now on its way to the Governor's office for signing! 

If you missed our update last week, SB112: To Authorize Physician Assistants To Be Identified As A Treating Provider For Insurance Billing And Claims And To Bill And Receive Direct Payment For Provided Healthcare Services passed through the Senate on March 7. Today, it was passed in the House with no opposition. This bill will be monumental for PAs in Arkansas as it will allow for PAs to be recognized as rendering providers with Arkansas Medicaid, and for PAs to bill directly with all payers. Further information about the bill and its full text can be found here.

While this is very exciting news, there are still several steps that will need to be taken before these changes are fully implemented. ARAPA is dedicated to tracking its progress and will update members as it follows. Please await further guidance from ARAPA about when you can enroll as billing provider with insurers. 

Thank you to everyone who called/sent emails to their representatives! Thank you to the members of the ARAPA legislative committee who have been working towards this goal tirelessly for the last several years. If you are interested in pursuing legislative efforts by joining the committee or have any questions about current efforts, please reach out to Feel free to reach out to me as well with any questions you have. 

Aaron Woodall, MPAS, PA-C
On behalf of ARAPA Legislative Committee