Call for Applications! State Medical Board PA Seat - Deadline Extended through July 4th
Posted over 2 years ago by Aaron Woodall
This announcement has 1 attachment:
ARAPA is very excited to announce that we are now accepting applications to be nominated to serve as the first physician assistant to have a seat on the full Arkansas State Medical Board. ARAPA was successful in passing Arkansas Act 634 (2021) last year which amended the makeup of the board and adds a physician assistant to have a full voting seat on the board. See here for more information about Act 634.
ARAPA looks forward to seeing a PA serve on the board as this will allow for better advocacy for our profession. ARAPA will make recommendations to the governor who ultimately appoints all board positions. Attached is an application with a list of requirements and more information. For more information about the board, please see the Arkansas State Medical Board or locate the Arkansas Medical Practices Act & Regulations.
Interested parties may contact ARAPA Vice President and Legislative Committee Chair Aaron Woodall for more information at Please also feel free to contact ARAPA president Anne Brown ( and president-elect Ada Sochanska (
The application deadline has been extended through July 4, 2022. Please sent all required application materials to