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Election postponed until November 15 - seeking new nominations

Posted almost 3 years ago by Anne Brown in Elections

To my fellow ARAPA members,

We are still looking for candidates to serve on our Board of Directors for 2022. This is a wonderful opportunity to help our organization continue making progress for the PA profession in our state. No experience is required to join our Board of Directors, only a commitment to help us continue making advances for PAs and Optimal Team Practice here in Arkansas.

We have received several wonderful nominations for our Board of Directors already, but we still do not have any confirmed candidates for the following positions:


Director at Large - North West

Descriptions of each position can be found by reading our bylaws here.

We will be postponing the 2022 Election until November 15, 2021 to allow additional nominations for these positions. It is also not too late to nominate a PA for President Elect, Vice President, Director at Large - Southeast, or Director at Large - Central.

If you would be interested in running for one of these positions, or if you have a PA you would like to nominate, please contact me at, or contact our Vice President, Ryland Steele, at  


Anne Brown, PA-C, MPAS

2022 President, Arkansas Academy of Physician Assistants