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PASSED - SB 152 is NOW Act 634

Posted over 3 years ago by Tara Bruner

Great news, ARAPA has been successful in this legislative session passing our SB 152 into law as Act 634!

Act 634

This was signed into law yesterday by Governor Hutchison and will go into effect July 1, 2021

It's been a journey but we have been successful in improving PA practice for Arkansas. We are not finished, we have more improvements to make but this was a great stepping stone. 

Now the hard work.... we will be opening up opportunities for more input on the ARAPA legislative committee. If interested please contact

We thank you all, especially: the ARAPA legislative committee, AAPA, bill sponsors Senator Hammer and Representative Springer, our lobbyist, , as well as our members who reached out to their legislator for support. 

You can read Act 634 HERE