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SB 152 Passes through Senate and House with majority vote

Posted over 3 years ago by Tara Bruner

Representative Springer Introduces SB 152 into House Voting

The SB 152 to Improve PA Practice in Arkansas successfully passed the Senate and House of Representatives. It now goes before Governor Hutchinson to be signed into law. 

This has been a long journey over many months but change has been made in Arkansas. Now comes the hard work implementing what we asked for! We will continue for parity and PA practice improvement and thank you for your support. 

A special thank you to Senator Kim Hammer and Representative Joy Springer for their sponsorship of the bill and support from stakeholders throughout the state. 

Our work could not have been achieved without the financial and legislative support from the American Academy of PAs and our representative Shannon Morey.

And to the ARAPA legislative team....what's next? Let's keep this momentum!

Tara Bruner PA-C
ARAPA Legislative Chair  


Leanne Carter over 3 years ago

Such awesome news! Great work!

Lance Kemper over 3 years ago

Excellent work!!! Thank you

David Wigginton over 3 years ago

Phenomenal! I am so grateful for all of the time and effort to make this happen.

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