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Sign up for our Conference On Demand by Sunday, save $!

Posted over 3 years ago

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The recorded CME sessions from our fall virtual conference are now on sale as an On-Demand package worth up to 18 credits! Sign up now to have access to the package and work through them on your own pace through 1/31/2022. We had some fantastic speakers and topics, including 2021 Billing/Coding changes, telemedicine, CKD, thyroid disorders, dermatitis in skin of color, and so much more! Head to our website to check it out, and sign up

To thank those of you that signed up and attended our first ever virtual event, we'd like to offer you free access to the recorded sessions. If you were unable to attend all of the sessions in November, here is your opportunity to participate and earn additional credits at no extra cost! If you would like to take advantage of this offer, please email and we will mail you a special registration code. If you originally paid for the entire conference, you will have access to all sessions. If you originally only paid for one day, you may access any of the sessions you missed that were offered on the day you paid for. 
Feel free to work through these sessions at your own pace, but know you can only claim credit for those that are completed by 1/31/2022. If you have already claimed credit for a session during the live event, you cannot claim credit for it again on-demand. Unlike live sessions, for on-demand sessions, AAPA requires participants to take and pass (>70%) a 10 question quiz for each session. You have multiple attempts to take the quiz. Lastly, we had some technical difficulties with two of the session recordings and regret that we are unable to offer either of those on-demand (EKG workshop, Obesity Management Workshop). 
We have already priced this out to be a great deal, but if you sign up by Sunday, February 7, you can get an extra $10 off! Use code SAVE10. 
If you have any questions, please email:


PS, are you interested in serving on the CME committee, or perhaps even being the CME chair for 2021? We'd love to hear from you! Email