Names needed for open Board positions by this Sunday!
Posted over 4 years ago
If you have ever considered becoming more involved, sharing your talents and advocating for our profession, now is a great time to do so! We are accepting self-nominations, through October 25th, for the open positions within the ARAPA Board of Directors. Elections will take place during the first week of November.
The Board of Director positions that are open include:
- President-Elect
- Vice- President
- Treasurer
- Director at Large: Northeast
- Director at Large: Southwest
Please consider nominating yourself to become part of the ARAPA Board of Directors and Leadership Team. Officers need to be fellow members of both ARAPA and AAPA, in good standing, and remain so, for the duration of their term. Descriptions and term of each position can be found in the ARAPA Bylaws.
Please submit your nomination online before 5pm on October 25th, 2020. Voting will occur electronically between November 2nd and 6th, with the winners being announced during the Board of Directors meeting at the ARAPA fall virtual conference on November 7th.
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